What I’m Talkin’ About

Bonamy Dobrée, a 20th century English Literature Professor in Britain, once wrote that, “Comedy makes daily life livable in spite of folly and disillusion, but its vision , though as universal, is not that of tragedy, for it laughs at the spirit as much as the flesh and will not take sides.” Dobrée was trying to explain how life itself is to be lived as a comedy.  I think allowing one’s self to be upset by the curve balls that life throws at them will only lead their soul to a sorry state. So when something bothers me, I try to laugh at it. And if there’s one thing in this world that bothers me, it’s pride.

It seems like I can’t go a day without running into someone who is disturbingly proud of something they enjoy, and the only reason their so proud is because the subject of their delight is an addition to them. Not an addiction. An addition. They consider their interests to be a boost for their self worth. Everything they appreciate makes for a much more intriguing personality. And regardless of whether or not those things are actually worth appreciating, these people will assume during a conversation that others value them too. So I laugh. I laugh at these idols that I don’t consider worthy of appreciation.

My aim for this blog is first and foremost, to make people laugh. But while some laugh I hope that that others may become less irritable as they’re humbled at the sight of their own pride and joy being shot down in the midst of a lengthy paragraph or a run-on sentence.

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