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George Lopez

Have you ever thought to yourself, “You know? I wish there was a late-night program that affirmed all negative stereotypes about Latinos.” Don’t worry! (In the words of Bob the tomato) Have we got a show for you!

...If backwards, racial misconceptions make you smile...

I am so thrilled that Conan O’Brien is back. Since his new show, “Conan,” premiered Monday night on TBS, it’s become almost impossible for me to avoid George Lopez, who allowed for his late night talk show to be pushed back to 12:00 am midnight when Conan agreed to come to TBS. In fact, my roommates and I now know that when we hear Conan say “Bye, everybody, bye!” it’s time to frantically search for the remote, which has almost always been displaced during the last hour.

Unfortunately, we have yet to find an escape before Lopez delivers a few of his opening jokes so we’ve gotten to know his sense of humor. I went into this post thinking that I would tear into Lopez with my words. However, it seems like that’s getting old. So to break it down for you readers, I’ve created a visual summary, using Comixed.



That’s pretty much it. He’s socially backwards, politically ignorant, and comically pinheaded. His show is just awful.

Categories: Uncategorized
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