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A D-Bag is someone who acts like a moron and thinks that their opinions are completely logical even though their opinions are actually directed by what people think of them. Most of this blog will be dedicated to them.

Ironically, 95% of what D-bags say is an attempt to convince you that they don’t care what you think (the other 5% is about their shirtless Myspace pictures). And if you don’t instantly believe that they’re apathetic about your opinion, they’ll try even harder to force the idea down your throat.

Put simply, they care a lot about you thinking that they don’t care.

Almost instinctively, D-Bags flock together to express themselves. Their habitats vary from…



beaches (on the covers of GQ magazines)…

at bars, playing pool…

at car shows…

or at local parties, acting hood to impress girls…

More? Here’s a link to an informative video!

To sum it all up, if a guy starts bragging to you about his car, his newfound beliefs, that song he wrote, or his athletic ability; he’s a total D-bag.

Categories: Uncategorized
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